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- Selection of parametric copula models in the approximation of copulas using Cramér-von Mises divergence. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, TU Delft 2024. accepted
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2022.105142 - together with Ana Pérez, Mercedes Prieto-Alaiz, Fernando Chamizo, Manuel ?beda-Flores: Nonparametric estimation of the multivariate Spearman’s footrule: a further discussion. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 467 (2023) 108489
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2023.02.010 - editor together with Reinhold Hübl, Jochen Merker, Benjamin Wacker: Tagungsband zum Workshop "Digitale Lehre im Rahmen der Grundlagenausbildung in MINT-F?chern an Hochschulen" at mg老虎机游戏_水果老虎机游戏下载 in September 2022 (2023), Hochschulverlag Merseburg
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- Constructing models for spherical and elliptical densities. Dependence Modeling, Special Issue: 10 years of Dependence Modeling (2023), 0111.
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- On a multivariate version of Spearman's correlation coefficient for regression: Properties and Applications. Asian Journal of Statistical Sciences 1 (2021), No. 2, 123-150.
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- together with Ben Michael: Generating mathematical exercises for e-learning systems using R and QTI import format. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 2019, Volume 14 Issue 3, 667-676
https://www.iejme.com/article/generating-mathematical-exercises-for-e-learning-systems-using-r-and-qti-import-format-5784 - On combining star-shaped distributions and copulas. in Steland A., Rafaj?owicz E., Okhrin O. (eds): "Stochastic Models, Statistics and their Application", SMSA 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 294. 111-120
- Copula-based dependence measures for piecewise monotonicity. Dependence Modeling 5 (2017), 198-220.
- together with W.-D. Richter: Estimation of star-shaped distributions. Risks, special issue "Selected Papers from the 10th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics" 4(44) (2016), 1-37.
http://www.mdpi.com/2227-9091/4/4/44 - Approximation of distributions by using the Anderson Darling statistic. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 45 (2016), 6732-6745.
- Goodness-of-Approximation of Copulas by a Parametric Family. In: Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 122 (2015), 101-109
- together with E. Rosenfeld, A. Kopp, K.-V. Jenderka: Quick test of ultrasonic transducer arrays radiating in air using B-mode-images. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering 59(1) (2014), 47-52
- Copula-based dependence measures. Dependence Modeling 2 (2014), 49–64
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