

Doing a doctorate

Doing a Doctorate
At Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

Deutsch | English

All Information About your Doctorate at the HoMe


With a doctorate, you are setting an important milestone on your career path. In order to successfully prepare you for this multi-year research project, the Graduate Academy at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences will provide you with reliable support in all phases. Here you will find all the information you need about the process of doing a doctorate and about the services offered for early career researchers.


The Team Supporting Early Career Researchers at your side

The Graduate Academy Team, Sandra Dietzel and Maria L?ffler, supports you during the various phases of your doctorate and answers all your questions about your doctorate. We are aware of the diversity of our target group and treat your individual concerns and support needs confidentially and with sensitivity to discrimination. In particular, at our compact university, we feel the need to be there for you in an approachable and personal way. You can reach us by e-mail at

Just get in touch!

Doing a Doctorate at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

Within the framework of a doctorate, you will come up with new scientific findings and, thus, make an independent and in-depth contribution to research in your field. Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, located in the south of Saxony-Anhalt, offers you excellent conditions for this.

As a university of applied sciences, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences will enable you to have a strong application focus in your research. You will work on practical issues that go far beyond pure basic research and can be put into practice directly. The competences built up in the departments over the years make Merseburg University of Applied Sciences an attractive partner for companies and institutions in the region and beyond. You will benefit from a lively interdisciplinary academic exchange within the departments and excellent facilities. The familial working environment enables you to establish an intensive supervisory relationship with your doctoral supervisor.

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences offers you two ways to a doctorate. Through a cooperative doctoral procedure, academically outstanding graduates can gain their doctorate from Merseburg University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with a university.

In addition, the professors who are strong in research have the opportunity to supervise doctoral students in the Doctoral Centers. In order to carry out independent doctoral procedures the universities of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt work closely together in two inter-university Doctoral Centers:

Are you interested in the innovative research of our doctoral students? Here you can find doctoral projects, currently realized at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences.


Offers for all qualification phases of your doctorate

The Graduate Academy Team at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences supports and advises early career researchers and is the central advisory and service point for those interested in doing a doctorate, doctoral students as well as supervisors.

Here you will receive support with organizational and general questions regarding your doctoral project as well as with questions about financing options. We offer confidential consultation and individual coaching concerning personal problems as well as an interdisciplinary qualification program for your further education during your doctoral studies. For a particularly intensive support during your individual academic qualification phase, the universities of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt developed the joint mentoring program KaMemg老虎机游戏_水果老虎机游戏下载 .

At the events held as part of the qualification program and the mentoring program, you can network with other doctoral candidates across the state and actively exchange experiences with each other. For targeted networking of early career researchers at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, we organize the doctoral student get-together about once a quarter. Are you looking for special networking opportunities? Then please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

The Graduate Academy at Merseburg University also assists doctoral students with grants for publications and travel expenses for participation in the qualification program and conferences.

You have questions concerning your doctorate and would you like personal advice? We are happy to support you! Please fill out this consultation form.

Comprehensive information on the doctorate can be found on our website at /forschung-und-transfer/forschung/promovieren/doing-a-doctorate/.


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